- OCI(Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)에 centOS 8을 셋팅하고 있는중에 hostname을 변경하려고 하였지만 왠일인지 제부팅을 하고나면 다시 초기값으로 복구 되었다.
# vi /etc/oci-hostname.conf
# hostnamectl set-hotname new-my-hostname
Code language: PHP (php)
2. 위의 파일의 PRESERVE_HOSTINFO=0 옵션값을 0에서 2로 변경해주면 된다.
3. 자세한 옵션값은 파일 주석을 참조하면 된다.
# This configuration file controls the hostname persistence behavior for Oracle Linux
# compute instance on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (formerly Baremetal Cloud Services)
# Set PRESERVE_HOSTINFO to one of the following values
# 0 -- default behavior to update hostname, /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf to
# reflect the hostname set during instance creation from the metadata service
# 1 -- preserve user configured hostname across reboots; update /etc/hosts and
# /etc/resolv.conf from the metadata service
# 2 -- preserve user configured hostname across instance reboots; no custom
# changes to /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf from the metadata service,
# but dhclient will still overwrite /etc/resolv.conf
# 3 -- preserve hostname and /etc/hosts entries across instance reboots;
# update /etc/resolv.conf from instance metadata service
Code language: PHP (php)